Thursday, May 1, 2008

Sleep Issues!

So we are having some issues right now if anyone can help. Beckham has decided that since he can sit up he doesn't want naps. The minute I lay him down he sits up and crys. Now he's started sitting and staring out the side at the door. The minute I walk in he gets excited thinking I'm going to get him out. Then when I lay him down again, he starts sobbing and the whole thing starts over. Any ideas?


kate said...

Us too!! Ever since Bracken learned to pull himself up to the crib he does the same thing!! He used to nap so well.. I would lay him down give him a blanket and bink and he was an angel to nap & go to bed!! Now I try everything.. we have resorted to rocking but sometimes I just have to let him scream until he realizes I am not getting him out then he'll lay down and take the bink.. but it takes like 10 minutes of crying!! {Then I feel terrible so that doesn't happen very often..} I am excited to hear the comments you get, I need help too!!

Jon and Ashley said...

He is just too cute. With a face like that, you should give him whatever he wants. As for me the Nazi, you know I am all for the crying it out method.

T said...

let him cry it out, he will be fine.

Shane and Michelle said...

I would close the door so he can't peak out and let him cry it out. I really feel that the age between 0-2 is when you either raise a good kid or a bratty kid that won't do what you tell him. It may be hard at first but if you stick to your guns within a week he'll get the picture and take his naps. If you succumb to his every whimper (which i know you don't but i know so many parents that do) you will create a monster! I never had to go though the "terrible 2's" with any of my kids because my kids know who is boss around here and they mind me so well. They are great kids. Kids who get away with having it their way all the time eventually turn into adults that won't respect authority. I always remain upbeat and nice but simply stand firm in my decisions. The kids need that stability and guidance. Ultimately they respect and love you for it! I'll get off my soap box now!!

April Greener said...

Hannah is a cat napper. I have to make sure everything is "ready" before laying her down for a nap. All lights have to be off, no noise, her blankets have to be laid out. If I don't she immediately wakes up and starts crying. I can't stand to hear her cry and I swear the girl will NEVER give up!
So now, I just make sure her sleeping environment is ready to go and she usually sleeps!
Good luck! Naps are a necessity at my house!