Monday, March 31, 2008

My Boys

Well Coby and I are leaving for a week and the boys are staying. Everyone keeps telling us how great this is and we should be so excited but we really hate leaving them. We've already cried at night thinking about it. We are not so worried about Devner because he understands we are going on a trip and we'll be back. Plus he gets to have alot of fun with other people, which includes living with Stacie for three days which is his highlight. But we worry Beckham will forget us. Anyone have any thoughts on that? Do seven months old remember you after a week?

Sunday, March 30, 2008

New to Posting?

My old roomate from college had this website on her blog and it's great for us that are just learning so if you want some new tricks to make your blog different check it out- click on the blue icon below the picture. (By the way, notice anything wrong with denver's pants? he's learning to dress himself and this time didn't go great even though he thinks it did)

Tricks for New Bloggers

Monday, March 24, 2008

Happy Easter!

We had a fun Easter. We actually made it to all three hours of church without having any fits. In fact, Denver was excited to go to nursery and wanted to go by himself. (which depending on the week, was a great accomplishment) Then we had dinner and an Easter Egg hunt at Stacie's. Beckham and Denver got recorders from the Easter Bunny and Beckham can actually make the sounds.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

What Type of Blogger are you?

I took this quiz and thought it was fun.

You Are a Social Blogger!

Your blog is more of a semi-private affair for your friends.

It's how you keep in touch... sharing stories, jokes, and pics.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Coloring Easter Eggs

Stacie and Layne's kids came over and we colored easter eggs. We had a lot of fun even if Maverick and Denver broke the eggs every time they dropped them in the water. We used elastic bands to make lines around the eggs and for those of you who are still planning on coloring eggs: you need vinegar(?) but don't put it in the pink or it won't work. I learned the hard way and had to borrow vinegar from a neigbor.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Family Vacation!!

We had our first family vacation with the four of us. Spencer decided to get married in San Diego, since Tawni lives there we decided to go see her family and spend a few extra days. We were able to stop and visit Grandma Myrna in St. George and Ashley and her family in Vegas. We were able to go the beach and swimming while enjoying the sun.

We also were able to go to Disneyland, which both boys loved. Beckham was able to ride most of the rides with Denver and they had a blast. Saturday we spent the day in San Diego and at the Temple there. Of course, by the time it was all done with, all of us were pretty tired.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Six Months Old!!

Two teeth and 22 pounds later and here's Beckham!!