Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Here are a few things we have been up too lately....


Naomi Hanks said...

Oh my goodness! All that surgery must have been stressful. Glad you guys were able to cure Darth Vader... and his brother :) Also, I can't believe Coby bought a car dealership!!! I would be so scared and stressed out. I would be a horrible entrepreneur... just not risky enough. Good luck with everything. Sounds like you have a lot on your plate!

Shane and Michelle said...

Thanks for stopping by our blog. It's been MONTHS since i've checked our page but i finally decided to update and here i am blog roaming. I didn't realize the Korver and Denver had their tonsils taken out, that's kind of an ordeal! I am glad it all went well. I hope korver is able to breath better!! Miss you guys!xo